Senior Prophecies 1987
Paige Godwin.Abbott - Most likely to be a sun goddess in her next life.
David Christopher Abbott - Most likely to be successful.
David MarkAbell - Most likely to become Playboy's top photographer.
David WayneAbell - Most likely to water ski into history.
Timothy Michael Adams - Most likely to wear flannel.
Elizabeth Merle Agee - Most likely to smile at anyone.
Taline Akseraylian - Most likely to never have her name pronounced correctly.
Kimberly Paige Amason - Most likely to own a mirror factory.
Wallace Shane Amsler - Most likely to score a goal.
Lisa Beth Appelrouth - Most likely to follow the Dead across America.
James Henry Ashworth - Most likely to die laughing.
Anne Clary Axel - Most likely to dedicate her life to the medical profession.
Bonnye Ellen Baer - Most likely to install a new hotline between U.S. and U.K.
Stephanie Anne Baker - Least likely to stay married for more than two weeks.
Michael William Balsom - Most likely to work the next truck and tractor pull.
Donna Marie Barbie - Least likely to have the same hairdo for over a month.
Theresa Lynn Bateman - Most likely to lose her accent.
Rachel Claire Beckett - Most likely to be an outstanding member of our community.
Charles Stewart Beemus - Most likely to become king of his household.
Erin Eileen Belton - Most likely to be the first female president of the United States
Anne Todd Bendall - Most likely to date shorter guys.
Susan Carol Bender - Most likely to replace Frank Soden as host of Battle of the Brains.
Robin Heath Berry - Most likely to get sick on her first day of college.
Edward Blake Birindelli - Most likely to need a podiatrist.
Hannah Turner Blake - Most likely to be a southern belle.
Lisa Rae Blank - Most likely to be the next Joan Rivers.
Jeffrey Lyle Blyer - Most likely to come back and teach drivers ed. with Coach Gray.
Louis Steven Bohm - Most likely to wear neon shoe laces.
Thomas Milton Branin - Most likely to have several identities.
Laura Christine Brockwell - Most likely.
Jeffrey Amos Brubaker - Most likely to have a permanent hat head.
Jean Ann Brush - Most likely to shock the class and come back to Freeman as a speech teacher.
Charles Walter Bryant, Jr . - Most likely to be the editor of the Boneless Thrasher Magazine.
Ellen Gail Buffenstein - Most likely to live in Colorado.
William McReynolds Burhans - Most likely to try so hard to be a non-conformist that he will conform like no other.
Darren Wayne Campbell - Most likely to turn his car radio up louder.
Paul Ray Carmichael - Most likely to manage the Dallas Cowboys.
Stephen Hunter Catlett,Jr . - Most likely to replace Ben Hamilton on channel 12 sports.
Michelle Cheatham - Most likely to establish women's major league softball.
Karen Renee Chiott - Most likely to always think that she is friendless.(We love ya' Karen)
Karen Eliane Clarke - Least likely to decide.
Gaston Mack Clement - Least likely to ever use his first name.
JaneTeresa Clements - Most likely to have a double wedding with Joan.
Joan Teresa Clements - Most likely to have a double wedding with Jane.
Marla K. Coffman - Most likely to get married in jeans.
Jara Michelle Cohen - Least likely to go bald.
Wendy Tara Cohen - Most likely to recite Shakespeare at a Dead concert.
Christopher Lee Cole - Most likely to become a political prisoner because of his liberal views.
Sharon Lynn Coplan - Most likely to run out of clothes to buy and have to wear something twice.
Sandra Lynn Coppedge - Most likely to teach Karate.
Timothy Morgan Coppedge - Most likely to revolutionize car design.
Kathryn Lynn Cosby - Most likely to be the aggressor.
Andrew Squire Council - Most likely to tear a peck in the Mr. Universe contest.
John Thewatt Cross, III -Most likely to send his kids to private school.
Mark Wade Crowder - Least likely to get a haircut.
Dee Ann Cruey - Most likely to wear the pants in the family.
Kenneth Byron Daub, III - Most likely to get a suntan while "out of town on business."
Daryle Shannon Daugherty - Most likely to become a championship bowler.
Melissa Hope Daum - Most likely to marry a surfer dude.
Alan Russell Davis - Most likely to live at home.
Bobbi Michele Davis - Most likely to be an Impressionist.
Spencer deVerdey Davis -Most likely to show up at Gerry Garcia's Funeral.
Matthew Bryan Davis - Most likely to be a test subject for Arrid Extra Dry.
Christopher Dean Derby -Most likely to fall in love with Brooke Shields.
Tracy Michelle DeRussee - Most likely to marry a rockstar.
Charles Russell Dillard - Most likely to have a doll named after him, "Mellow Man."
Claire Denise Dunaway - Most likely to marry Gerry Garcia.
Sunita Dwivedy - Most likely to outsmart our whole generation.
Jessica Margaret Easley - Most likely to become the first Beastie-Girl.
Clay Andrew Edmonds - Most likely to become Clay 'Calvin Klein' Edmonds.
William Sherman Ernouf -Most likely to own Apple Computers, and still be broke.
Andrew David Evans - Most likely to become a Rastafarian.
Jane Scott Evans - Most likely to look like she is in the second grade.
James Carlos Feliciano - Most likely to follow in Gary Hart's footsteps.
Lisa Ann Feller - Most likely to be stylish.
Clarence David Felts, III -Most likely to join the Fat Boys as rapper #4.
Kimberly Brooke Fenderson - Most likely to marry a man named Homer.
Ashley Lynn Finch - Least likely to ever watch NameThat Tune.
Meredith Lyn Fine - Most likely to be a travel agent.
Jessica Ann Ford - Most likely to be an actress on Broadway.
Danny Lee Ford, Jr. - Most likely to go to every concert.
Beverley Page French - Most likely to marry a "nice man."
Heather Ann Furlow - Most likely to be on a Wheaties commercial.
Julia Porter Garber -- Most likely to turn letters on Wheel of Fortune.
Stephen David Gardner - Most likely to live at the beach.
David Jonathan Garner - Most likely to say that he is in love.
Rebecca Ann Garrett - Most likely to be a good sport.
Kathleene Marie Gerds - Most likely to have the most children.
Richard James Gilson - Most likely to marry, divorce, marry, divorce, marry. . . etc.
Theodore Bennett Gittings, III - Most likely to carry on the family name.
Ann McCarthy Goddard - Most likely to live in a house with a white picket fence with...
John Gordon Goddard - Most likely to trip during graduation.
Laura Frances Goldfarb - Most likely to spend her evenings at the Viva Appia.
Daniel Scott Gordon - Most likely to own Ridge Cinemas.
Jonathan David Gouldthorpe - Most likely too show everyone that they were wrong.
Christopher Barclay Graves - Most likely to win the Masters.
Christine Elizabeth Green - Most likely to smile.
Deirdre McCrae Green - Most likely to be the only true blonde at Freeman.
Mary Ryland Greenstreet - Most likely to marry first.
Robert Gordon Gregory, III -Most likely to buyout Britches.
Elizabeth Anne Griffith - Most likely to marry Andy.
Vickii Lee Grimes - Most likely to be a successful executive in the corporate world.
Sharon Michelle Hall – Most likely to look like a lobster at Beach Week.
Ellen Kay Haney - Least likely to switch eye shadows.
Joan Marie Hanson - Most likely to die laughing or sneezing.
Edward Lance Hargrove - Least likely to go on a diet.
Melissa Blythe Harrell - Most likely to be the first female conductor of the London Philharmonic.
John Christopher Harris - Most likely to have pee-wee wrestlers.
Alexis Ann Hartz - Most likely to grow fins and gills.
Susanne Hartz - Least likely to ever take Trig. again.
Brenda Carolyn Hawthorne - Least likely to get any respect.
Walter Isaiah Hayes - Most likely to become librarian.
Ronald Lawrence Hayes, Jr. - Most likely to be a Saturday Morning Cartoon voice.
Anne Wallis Haynie - Most likely to have bilingual children.
Matthew Benjamin Hazelgrove - Most likely to debate.
Lisa Ann Hecht - Most likely to ask questions in class.
Lucinda Frances Heidsieck - Most likely to have a wave named after her, "Wow, that was a Lu-Lu."
Mark Worth Hicks - Most likely to ask the same questions to everybody.
James William Hiner, Jr . - Most likely to talk everyone to death.
Elizabeth Owens Hoggard - Most likely to get matching clothes.
Lisa Anne Holland - Most likely to never be mean.
Martha Ruth Holsinger - Most likely to brutally attack men in uniform.
Kimberly Ann Hooks - Most likely to make friends.
Elizabeth Merry Hotze - Most likely to model for Ms. Clairol frost-n-tips.
Russell Gates Howard - Most likely to be the put-put champion of the world.
Jo Ellen Hoy - Most likely to laugh all of her problems away.
Derek Glenn Hubbard - Most likely to live in a cupboard.
DeAnne Elizabeth Hubbard - Most likely to always drive a truck.
Cimberlee Marie Huggins - Most likely to open a zoo.
Thomas Lee Huste, Jr . - Most likely to be a rock star.
Angela Hope Jackson - Most likely to be batgirl for the Royals.
George BrianJeffries - Most likely to hook up with the Smiths and go on a world tour.
Janet Stuart Jenness - Most likely to be the first ambassador to France to need a step stooI.
Mary Ann Jones - Most likely to marry someone named John Smith.
Stephen Earl Jones - Least likely to be on time for work.
Brian Slade Journey - Most likely to sit and watch the world go by.
Deirdre Lee Kardian - Most likely to become successful.
Nicholas Thomas Kavadas, II - Most likely to live on the beach.
Erik Smithson Keyser - Most likely to be a Chippendale's dancer.
John Randolph Kight, III - Most likely to become the next Rambo.
Key Hyun Kim - Most likely to become a world renown classical violinist.
Michael Donhyun Kim - Most likely to be Melissa Harrell's replacement.
Sung Hee Kim - Most likely to become an interpreter at the United Nations.
Stephen Davison Kingsley - Most likely to get a Mr. Ray's hair weave.
Jennifer Leigh Kirby - Most likely to become successful.
Candace Maqueen Langdon -Most likely to suffer withdrawl symptoms from not being able to shop daily.
Monica Lyn Large - Most likely to represent Avon in court.
Tiffany Claire Latham - Most likely to make it in the art world.
Tracy Elizabeth Layne – Most likely to manage her daughter's gymnastics team.
Dawn Elizabeth Lea - Most likely to be a fashion designer.
Andrew Scott Lee - Most likely to come back and bother Ms. Saunders; heckle, heckle.
Kristian Blair Lesher - Most likely to replace Leonard Nimoy in the Star Trek movies.
Margaret Cary Lewis - Most likely to be a model for Lee Press On Nails.
Gregory Scott Long - Most likely to always have a stupid joke to tell.
Steven Jay Louie - Most likely to join Kristian as Sulu.
Stephanie Read MacMillan - Most likely to be a gymnast in the 1990 Olympics.
James Lewis Madison - Most likely to have to avoid certain bridges.
Carrie June Magill - Most likely to be a trainer for the Redskins.
Andrew Berthold Manson - Least likely to have his chest stop traffic.
Robert Minor Martin - Most likely to star in "The Fishin' Hole," while advertising for Dr. Pepper.
Joseph Patrick Mason - Most likely to move to Hanover and become a government teacher.
Melissa Kimberly Maust - Most likely to be trampled while kissing her boyfriend in the hall.
Lucy Jean Mayfield - Most likely to come back to Freeman and be a flag sponsor.
Mary Heather McAfee - Most likely to become a stand-up comic.
Cameron Grey McCubbins - Most likely to bring in corn-row as a new fad.
Leslie Lorraine McGruder - Most likely to be a world traveler.
Dennis Wayne McKay - Least likely to talk someone to death.
Ursula Anne Merritt - Most likely to be a writer for Harlequin.
David Scott Miller - Most likely to open up an all night party place with the cooperation of Officer Brooks.
Maya Walker Millican - Least likely to ever work at Peoples again.
Thomas Wingfield Mitchell - Most likely to be formal.
Scott Nicholas Mortimer - Most likely to sing in the Mormon Tabernackle Choir.
Cameron Leigh Moseley - Most likely to become the tallest jockey ever.
Anne-Michelle Mowery - Most likely to always to make other guys try harder than ever before to get a date.
Michael Anthony Myers - Most likely to be in Halloween V.
Wanda Sue Napier - Most likely to become an English teacher.
Mary Elizabeth Nau - Most likely to be the funniest producer ever.
Stephanie Anne Newton - Most likely to become an airline stewardess.
Gary Yock Ying Ng - Most likely to stay "Americanized."
Dorothy Regina Nixon - Most likely to successful in the business world.
Susan Margaret -Victoria Norris - Most likely to give her kids hyphenated names.
Christopher Grahame Nott -Least likely to lose weight.
Janet Leigh O'Leary - Most likely to own her own company.
Michelle Anthea O'Neill -Most likely to invent a 30 hour day to fit everything into her schedule.
Anne Elliott Palmore - Most likely to change her name so she can have things monogrammed.
Christopher Campbell Parker - Most likely to be the next Pee Wee Herman.
Susan Lee Parrish - Least likely to ever get a savage tan.
Stephanie Ann Parsons - Most likely to join the Peace Corps.
Tammitha Marie Peirce - Most likely to wear flats.
Stephen Gustave Peple, Jr . – Most likely to be a photographer for Sports Illustrated.
Kristen Ann Petersen - Most likely to paint the world red.
Michael Bradley Pickels - Most likely to marry Maud.
Sherry Leah Pitts - Most likely to chatter and laugh through life.
John Wayne Pitts, Jr . - Most likely to be Coach Moore’s next assistant.
Charles Meyer Pollard - Most likely to have a white picket fence.
Melinda Anne Poole - Most likely to be arrested by the K.G.B.
Diane Lynne Ragland - Most likely to own a tanning bed.
Kevin Hale Ragland - Most likely to design Rush's new album cover.
Elizabeth Ames Reese - Most likely to become a cruise director.
James William Reid, Jr . - Most likely to stay in the West End.
Catherine Anne Rhea - Most likely to open up a clinic and write a book about her experiences.
Merle Edward Robertson, III - Most likely to be the printer for the White House.
Stephen Glenn Robinson - Most likely to do a Stetson commercial.
Lisa Irene Rook - Most likely to sing soprano.
Rachelle Ann Rubinoff - Most likely to take over Victoria Principal's job for Jhirmack.
John Merlin Rucker - Most likely to be mistaken for a mailman.
Joanna Michele Salzman - Most likely to discover a cure for the common cold.
Ashby Jane Sanderson - Most likely to drive her SAAB to "La Isla Bonita."
Shannon Leigh Satterfield - Most likely to win the Boston Marathon
David Martin Satterfield - Most likely to transfer to the Eastern Iowa School for Nannies.
William Nathan Schieken - Most likely to find the meaning of life.
Tiffany Mia Scott - Most likely to become a famous veterinarian.
Karen Lynn Seidenberg - Most likely to always write friendly notes.
Lisa Louise Sellers - Most likely to marry Randy Kight.
Sharon Rose Sellers - Most likely to be a fashion model.
Christopher Albert Serafim - Least likely too be Italian.
Paula Aileen Setzer - Most likely not to name her son Alka.
Richard Hamilton Seward, IV - Most likely to be on Candid Camera.
John Harrison Shultz - Least likely to lose his temper.
Daniel Todd Slaughter and Scott Frank Slaughter- Most likely to be the next World Tag Team Wrestling Champs.
Christine Elizabeth Small - Most likely to try to analyze the world.
Amy Grove Smith - Most likely to have a son named Beaver.
Scott Matthew Smith - Least likely to give up "assassin"- unlike everyone else.
Susan Elizabeth Smith - Most likely to be the next Dr. Ruth.
Laura Lee Smith - Most likely to always win with her smile.
Susan Waid Smith - Most likely to marry a wrestler.
Theodore Maisel Snead - Most likely to win Star Search.
Susan Elizabeth Spann - Most likely to drive a Volvo
Stefanie Robin Stahl - Most likely to make millions on commercials.
David Lee Stahr - Most likely to have a license plate IMSTUD.
Brian Keith Staples, Jr . - Most likely to be a car dealer.
Amy Winslow Stebick - Least likely to ever complain.
Sandra Charleen Steenstra - Most likely to be the first female TOP GUN
John Walker Steffy - Most likely to win a million dollars on Jeopardy.
Lisa Banks Stephenson - Most likely to have a cottage on the beach.
Eric Marshall Stevens - Most likely to have over twenty jobs at once.
Stacey Wynne Stewart - Most likely to become a brunette.
Christy Ann Stocks - Most likely to marry a short man.
Scott Christopher Stokes - Most likely to be arrested for blowing up fish.
John Fredrick Strotmeyer, III - Most likely to impersonate Jimmy Page.
James Robert Stubbins - Most likely to make up the most Trig. tests.
William Lloyd Sturman - Most likely to get his guitar to gently weep.
Kathryn Suzanne Sugarman -Most likely to open a clothing store with Jessica Easley.
Suzanne Victoria Suher - Most likely to be a fashion designer.
Hsiap-Hsien Sun - Most likely to be a math wizard.
Stephanie Leigh Sweeney - Most likely to be a physical therapist.
Jonathan Paul Sydnor - Most likely to try to sing in an opera.
Angela June Thomas - Least likely to wear more than two colors in the same outfit.
Elisabeth BlakeThomas - Least likely to look any better at our reunion.
Letra Laphelia Thompson - Most likely to win the Olympics
Patricia Randolph Tiller - Most likely to own a pig farm
Julie Elizabeth Tiller -Least likely to get a deep voice.
Jason Alan Tingle - Least likely to care.
Lisa Nga-Que Trinh - Most likely to tell everyone her problems.
Jo Ann Tuohey - Most likely to be Christmas Mother 1997.
Rollin Myron Turner - Most likely to switch his sport to hockey.
Koren Ann Ullman - Most likely to have a story for every problem.
Carolyn Yvonne Vaden - Most likey to go to Longwood and marry ”Wadie."
Amy Camille Vaughan - Most likely to smile
Marc Anthony Verdi - Most likely to gain weight over night.
Laura Ashleigh Vick - Most likely to team up with Gordon Gregory and take over Britches.
Lori Jean Vinik - Most likely to sell cosmetics.
Laura Todd Vranian - Most likely to be grounded on her wedding night.
Sundee Wade - Most likely to have a successful business career
Kieran Blake Wagner - Least likely to make it to graduation on time.
Frey Jon Waid - Most likely to become an English butler.
Mary Courtney Wait - Most likely to live on a farm with a pool.
Patricia Ann Watkins - Most likely to win her way into every guy's heart.
Frank Anthony Wayne, Jr. - Most likely to be a policeman.
Wendy Mae Weick - Most likely to live in Florida.
Jodi Leigh Werner - Most likely to harass Snoopy.
Dondi Michelle Whitaker - Most likely to go to Wimbledon.
Susan Tiffin Wiedeman - Least likely to speak out in a crowded room.
Eric David Wilcox - Most likely to replace Gary Trudeau.
Christopher Keith Wilkinson -Mast likely to eat anything.
Andrew Alden Willett - Most likely to go to MJ.T. and major in calculus.
Richard Dean Willis - Most likely to look like Herb Tarleck.
Edwin Lambert Wood, Jr . - Most likely to come back and date Freeman girls.
Marshall Robert Wood, Jr . - Most likely to do a commercial for Pilsbury.
Karen Elizabeth Woodson - Most likely to be the next Diana Ross
Johanna Rachael Workman - Most likely to lose her diploma in her purse.
Tsz Leung Wu - Most likely to open up a restaurant called-The Wok and Roll.
Shannon Crider Wyatt - Most likely to wrestle a bear and win.
Paul Douglas Wylie, III -Most likely to be a pale imitation of Louis Armstrong.
Christopher Martin Wyndham - Most likely to own a McDonalds.
Steven Yong Yu - Most likely will always look up when someone shouts, "Hey you."
Michelle Shiar Zatcoff - Most likely to always be late.